拍攝前,我們的專業攝影師會與你及家人在舒適的環境下聊天,了解每人之性格。拍攝期間,你們能隨心所欲,真情流露,表現真我,展開一個屬於你們的奇妙旅程。 拍攝完成後,我們會安排一個只屬於你們的預覽時段,當你看到一幅幅精彩相片時,我們也會與你一起構思怎樣利用屬於你們的珍貴時刻點綴家居,期望能令你與其他貴客一樣感到驚喜。 我們設有影樓攝影及戶外攝影服務:
Photography services Before shooting, our professional photographer will be with you and your family to chat in a relaxed and comfortable environment, understanding everyone’s characteristics. During filming, you can express yourselves freely. It’s a wonderful journey. After the photo-shooting, we will arrange for a preview. When you see the fabulous shots, we will work with you on how to use them to decorate your home. You would be surprised by what we can do. We have studio photography and outdoor photography services: